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Version: 12.x


Apiato seeders are just Laravel Seeders, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel seeders. However, they come with additional rules and conventions specific to Apiato.

To generate new seeders you may use the apiato:generate:seeder interactive command:

php artisan apiato:generate:seeder


  • All container-specific and third-party package Seeders MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/Data/Seeders directory.
  • All non-Laravel or third-party package Seeders MUST extend the App\Ship\Parents\Seeders\Seeder class.

Folder Structure

└── Containers
└── Section
└── Container
└── Data
└── Seeders
├── DemoSeeder_1.php
├── AnotherDemoSeeder_2.php
└── ...

Code Example

Seeders are defined exactly as you would define them in Laravel.

Naming Conventions

To avoid conflicts between containers' seeder classes, it is crucial to follow specific naming conventions. If two seeder classes have the same name but exist in different containers, Apiato will not be able to load one of them, leading to unintended consequences and potential data inconsistencies.

To ensure smooth and error-free seeding, adhere to the following naming conventions:

Prepend Container Name

Always prepend the seeders of each container with the container name. For example, if you have containers named User and Item, the seeder classes should be named UserPermissionsSeeder and ItemPermissionsSeeder, respectively.

Prepend Section Name

In situations where two seeder classes have the same name but exist in different containers, manually prepend the seeder name with the section name to distinguish them.

Loading Order

Apiato enables the loading of seeders in a specific order. To organize the seeding of classes, simply add _1, _2, and so on, to your class names. For instance, UserPermissionsSeeder_1 will be loaded before UserPermissionsSeeder_2.

  1. By default, Laravel invokes the run method of the database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php class.
  2. The run method within DatabaseSeeder calls the runLoadingSeeders method of the Apiato\Core\Loaders\SeederLoaderTrait.php trait.
  3. The runLoadingSeeders method, in turn, loads all the seeders within each container following this sequence:
    1. It first loads all the seeders whose names contain _1.
    2. Subsequently, it proceeds to load seeders with names containing _2.
    3. This pattern continues until it loads all seeders with names containing _n.
    4. Lastly, any remaining seeders without the _n suffix are loaded.

Special Seeders


For testing purposes, Apiato offers a special seeder class to seed testing data. You can find this seeder class at app/Ship/Seeders/SeedTestingData.php. It's important to note that this seeder is not loaded automatically by Apiato. Instead, you can manually trigger the seeding process by running the following command:

php artisan apiato:seed-test


In addition to the testing seeder, Apiato also provides a special seeder class for production data seeding. You can locate this seeder class at app/Ship/Seeders/SeedDeploymentData.php. Similar to the testing seeder, the deployment seeder is not automatically loaded by Apiato. You can call this seeder and populate your database with production data by executing the following command:

php artisan apiato:seed-deployment