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Version: 12.x


Apiato factories are just Laravel Factories, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel factories. However, they come with additional rules and conventions specific to Apiato.

To generate new factories you may use the apiato:generate:factory interactive command:

php artisan apiato:generate:factory


  • Factory name MUST be the same as its corresponding model name and suffixed with Factory.
  • All Factories:
    • MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/Data/Factories directory.
    • MUST extend the App\Ship\Parents\Factories\Factory class.
      • The parent extension SHOULD be aliased as ParentFactory.

Folder Structure

└── Containers
└── Section
└── Container
└── Data
└── Factories
├── ModelFactory.php
└── ...

Code Example

Factories are defined exactly as you would define them in Laravel.

Model & Factory Discovery Conventions

When you use a factory, Laravel relies on conventions to determine the appropriate factory for the model. By default, Laravel will search for a factory in the Database\Factories namespace that has a class name matching the model name and is suffixed with Factory.

However, in the case of Apiato, factories are distributed across the Containers, and they are not all within the same namespace. As a result, Apiato follows a different convention to locate the appropriate factory for a model. This is achieved by utilizing the Apiato\Core\Traits\FactoryLocatorTrait trait, which is incorporated into the Apiato\Core\Traits\ModelTrait trait used by all Apiato models.

Therefore, if your model does not extend the App\Ship\Parents\Models\Model or the App\Ship\Parents\Models\UserModel class, it is essential to include the ModelTrait trait in your model. By doing so, Apiato will be able to locate the appropriate factory and use it for the model when needed.

use Apiato\Core\Traits\ModelTrait;

class Demo
use ModelTrait;