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Version: 12.x


Apiato notifications are just Laravel Notifications, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel notifications. However, they come with additional rules and conventions specific to Apiato.

To generate new notifications you may use the apiato:generate:notification interactive command:

php artisan apiato:generate:notification


  • All Notifications MUST extend the App\Ship\Parents\Notifications\Notification class.
  • Containers MAY or MAY NOT have one or more Notification.
  • Ship MAY contain Application general Notifications.

Folder Structure

├── Containers
│ └── Section
│ └── Container
│ └── Notifications
│ ├── UserRegisteredNotification.php
│ └── ...
└── Ship
└── Notifications
├── SystemFailureNotification.php
└── ...

Code Example

Notifications are defined exactly as you would define them in Laravel.

Default Notification Channels

In Apiato, you have the ability to set default notification channels that will be used for all your notifications. This configuration can be found in the notification.php file located in the app/Ship/Configs directory.

By specifying default notification channels in this configuration file, you establish a consistent choice of channels for your notifications throughout the application.

However, should you need to customize the notification channels for specific notification classes, or if you prefer to define channels on a per-notification basis, you can do so by overriding the via method within the respective notification class. This allows you to tailor the channel selection based on individual notification requirements or use cases.

Database Notifications Migration

When setting up database notifications, the usual process involves generating a migration for notifications using the php artisan notifications:table command and then running the migration.

However, Apiato already provides a migration file named xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_notifications_table.php in the app/Ship/Migrations directory. As a result, you don't need to manually generate the migration file. You can directly run the migrations using the php artisan migrate command, and the notifications table will be created for you.