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Version: 12.x


Apiato mails are just Laravel Mails, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel mails. However, they come with additional rules and conventions specific to Apiato.

To generate new mails you may use the apiato:generate:mail interactive command:

php artisan apiato:generate:mail


  • All container-specific Mails MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/Mails directory.
  • All container-specific email templates MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/Mails/Templates directory.
  • All general Mails MUST be placed in the app/Ship/Mails directory.
  • All general email templates MUST be placed in the app/Ship/Mails/Templates directory.
  • All Mails MUST extend the App\Ship\Parents\Mails\Mail class.
    • The parent extension SHOULD be aliased as ParentMail.

Folder Structure

├── Containers
│ └── Section
│ └── Container
│ └── Mails
│ ├── ForgetPassword.php
│ ├── ...
│ └── Templates
│ ├── forgot-password.blade.php
│ └── ...
└── Ship
└── Mails
└── Newsletter.php
├── ...
└── Templates
├── newsletter.blade.php
└── ...

Code Example

use ...
use App\Ship\Parents\Mails\Mail as ParentAction;

class WelcomeMail extends ParentMail ShouldQueue
use Queueable;

public function __construct(protected User $recipient)

public function build()
return $this->view('appSection@user::welcome')
->to($this->user->email, $this->user->name)
'name' => $this->user->name,

Template Namespaces

All templates are namespaced using the camelCase of their Section name followed by @ and then the camelCase of their Container name.

For example, if you have a template named welcome in the app/Containers/MySection/MyContainer/Mails/Templates directory, you can access it like this: view(mySection@myContainer::welcome).

Attempting to access the template without the namespace, such as view('welcome'), will result in the template not being found.

An exception to this namespace convention is for template files located in the app/Ship/Mails/Templates directory. These templates will be namespaced using the word ship instead of the Section and Container names.

For example, you would access such a template like this: view(ship::welcome).