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Version: 9.x

Useful Commands

Apiato is shipped with many useful commands to help you speed up the development process. You can see list of all commands, by typing php artisan and look for Apiato section.

Available Commands

  • php artisan apiato:list:actions List all Actions in the Application.
  • php artisan apiato:list:tasks List all Tasks in the Application.
  • php artisan apiato:list:dependencies {container} List a Container dependencies.
  • php artisan apiato:encode Encode a hashed ID.
  • php artisan apiato:permissions:toRole {role-name} Give all system Permissions to a specific Role.
  • php artisan apiato:seed-test Seeds your custom testing data from app/Ship/Seeders/SeedTestingData.php.
  • php artisan apiato:seed-deploy Seeds your custom deployment data from app/Ship/Seeders/SeedDeploymentData.php.
  • php artisan apiato:apidoc Generate API Documentations with apidoc from your routes Docblock. More details.
  • php artisan apiato:swagger Generate API Documentations with swagger from your routes Docblock. More details.
  • php artisan apiato:generate:{component} Generate a specific component for the framework (e.g., Action, Task, ...). For more details on the Code Generator click here.
  • php artisan apiato Display the current Apiato version.

List All Actions Command

It's useful to be able to see all the implemented use cases in your application. To do so type php artisan apiato:list:actions

You can also pass --withfilename flag to see all Actions with the files names. apiato:list:actions --withfilename

List All Tasks Command

It's useful to be able to see all the implemented tasks in your application. To do so type php artisan apiato:list:tasks

You can also pass --withfilename flag to see all Tasks with the files names. apiato:list:tasks --withfilename

List Container Dependencies Command

Sometimes it is required to show dependencies between containers (e.g., how they are interlinked amongst each others). Apiato provides a command to list all dependencies for one specific container. The command does take the Apiato::call() and $this->call() (with use X) into account.

If you want to get the dependencies for one container, you can call

php artisan apiato:list:dependencies app/Containers/{container-name}