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Version: 12.x

Email Verification

Many web applications require users to verify their email addresses before using the application. To simplify this process, Apiato offers built-in services for sending and verifying email verification requests.


All the settings related to email verification are stored in the app/Containers/AppSection/Authorization/Configs/appSection-authentication configuration file.

Activate email verification by setting the require_email_verification option in the appSection-authentication configuration file to true.

Also, ensure that your application is configured to send email messages.


Detailed information on email configuration can be found in the Laravel documentation.

Include your web app's email verification redirect page URL (e.g., in the allowed-verify-email-urls array within the appSection-authentication config.

Model Preparation

Confirm that your User model implements the MustVerifyEmail contract. The default User model in Apiato typically includes this requirement.

Database Preparation

Ensure your users table contains an email_verified_at column to store the email verification date and time. The migration for the users table, included with Apiato, already includes this column.


The Email Verification Notice

If you've enabled email verification, the API will automatically send an email verification link to the user's provided email address upon user creation.

The Email Verification Handler

Define a route to handle requests when the user clicks the email verification link sent via email. Apiato includes a route for this purpose, email/verify/{id}/{hash}.

Resending The Verification Email

To resend the email verification link, use the /email/verification-notification endpoint.

Protecting Routes

Apply the verified middleware to restrict access to certain routes for confirmed users. When email verification is enabled, unverified users trying to access protected endpoints will trigger an exception, prompting them to confirm their email address.

Please note that if email verification is disabled, the verified middleware won't protect routes against unconfirmed users and will have no effect.

Process Flow

  1. Add your web app's email verification redirect page URL (e.g., to the allowed-verify-email-urls array in the appSection-authentication config.

  2. Send the email verification URL to the user by calling the /email/verification-notification endpoint using your web app. Pass one of the valid URLs added in step 1 to the verification_url field of the endpoint.

  3. An email verification link will be sent to the user's email, resembling this format: https://myapp.test/email/verify?url=https://api.myapi.test/v1/email/verify/XbPW7awNkzl83LD6/eaabd911e2e07ede6456d3bd5725c6d4a5c2dc0b?expires=1646913047&signature=232702865b8353c445b39c50397e66db33c74df80e3db5a7c0d46ef94c8ab6a9.

  4. When the user clicks the link, they'll be redirected to the URL specified in step 1, e.g.,, with the url query string.

  5. The url is the complete URL your web app needs to call to verify the user. Simply make a request to this URL, and the user will be verified.

  6. At this point, you should receive a 200 OK response, confirming the user's email verification.


If you encounter issues with the email verification link, such as a mismatched signature, when using a load balancer, set the protected $proxies = '*' in the app/Ship/Middlewares/TrustProxies.php or customize it according to your needs.