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Version: 12.x

Social Authentication

Under the hood this container uses Laravel Socialite.


In the following instructions we assume we have a fresh Apiato installation.

composer require apiato/social-auth-container

Now run php artisan migrate

Add this values to $fillable array in your User model

    protected $fillable = [

Optionally add this to your user transformer to add social auth fields to your user repsonses:

'social_auth_provider' => $user->social_provider,
'social_nickname' => $user->social_nickname,
'social_id' => $user->social_id,
'social_avatar' => [
'avatar' => $user->social_avatar,
'original' => $user->social_avatar_original,

It is recommended to have 2 separate transformers (private & public) for the User e.g. UserPrivateProfileTransformer & UserTransformer and add above data to the private transformer not the public one. By doing it this way you can hide your User's personal data.

Default Supported Auth Provide

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

How Social Authentication Works

  1. The Client (Mobile or Web) sends a request to the Social Auth Provider (Facebook, Twitter...).
  2. The Social Auth Provider returns a Token.
  3. The Client makes a call to the server (our server) and passes the Token.
  4. The Server fetches the user data from the Social Auth Provider using Token.
  5. The Server create new User from the collected social data and return the Authenticated User (If the user already created then it just returns it).

Setup Social Authentication

  1. Create an App on the supported Social Auth provider.
  1. For any supported provider you want to use, add their credentials to config/services.php. read more

  2. Make a request from your client to get the oauth info. (Each Social provider returns different response and keys).

Example Twitter Response:

"User": {
"tokentoken": "1212",
"tokentokenSecret": "3434",
"tokenid": "777",
"tokennickname": "John_Doe",
"tokenname": "John Doe",
"tokenemail": null,
"tokenavatar": "",
"tokenuser": "token",
"avatar_original": ""

This step should be done by your client App, which could be a Web, Mobile or other kind of client Apps.

  1. Use auth/{provider} route and the oauth info to make a call from your server to the Social Provider in order to get the User info. For more details about the auth/{provider} route parameters checkout the generated documentation or visit app/Containers/Vendor/Socialauth/UI/API/Routes/AuthenticateAll.v1.private.php.

  2. The endpoint above should return the User and his Personal Access Token.

Example Google Response:

"data": {
// user data
// additional social data if you have updated your transformer as mentioned above
"social_auth_provider": "google",
"social_id": "113834952367767922133",
"social_avatar": {
"avatar": "https:\/\/\/-OSItz6IHbSw\/AAA\/AMZuucltEs\/s96-c\/photo.jpg",
"original": "https:\/\/\/-OSItz6IHbSw\/AAA\/AMZuucltEs\/s96-c\/photo.jpg"
"meta": {
"include": [
"custom": {
"token_type": "personal",
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9...."

For testing purposes Apiato provides two web endpoints

  1. /auth/{provider}/redirect which act as a client (step 3 above)
  2. /auth/{provider}/callback which you can use in your provider's developer dashboard for callback url.
    Use those endpoints from your browser (replace the provider with any of the supported providers facebook, twitter,...) to get the oauth info and user data respectively.

Social Authentication Container Customization

You can customize this container by publishing its config and modifying its values

php artisan vendor:publish

Config file will be copied to app/Ship/Configs/vendor-socialAuth.php

Support new Auth Provider

  1. Publish the configs
  2. Create your new auth provider by implementing the App\Containers\Vendor\SocialAuth\Contracts\SocialAuthProvider contract.
    To get an idea about how to implement your own provider you can check out supported providers here app/Containers/Vendor/SocialAuth/SocialAuthProviders.
  3. Add your new provider to providers array in the vendor-socialAuth config.
    'providers' => [
'something' => Location\Of\Your\Provider\SomthingSocialAuthProvider::class,

Changing default used Repository, Transformer & DB user table name

This container depends on Apiato default user repository, transformer & database user table name. If you changed those defaults you can update and provide them in the configs.