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Hash ID

Hashing your internal ID's is a very helpful feature for many security reasons, such as preventing your internal ID's from being exposed to the public, your competitors, and hackers.

Enabling Hash ID

Set the HASH_ID=true in the .env file.


BCMath PHP Extension is required to use this feature.

Make sure to always use the getHashedKey method on any model, whenever you need to return an ID (mainly from transformers) weather you are using Hash ID or not. If Hash ID feature is disabled, the getHashedKey method will return the normal ID.

'id' => $user->getHashedKey(),


There are three ways to pass an ID to your system via the API:



As query string:


Or as HTTP request body:

"id": "XbPW7awNkzl83LD6"

Now you need to tell your API to decode the ID for you. This is done by setting the $decode and $urlParameters properties on your Request class. After setting those properties, the ID will be automatically decoded for you to apply validation rules on it or/and use it from your controller.

$request->id will return the decoded ID.


Hash ID configuration is done in the app/Ship/Configs/hashids.php config file. You can set the HASH_ID_KEY in the .env file to any random string. Apiato defaults to the APP_KEY should this not be set.


The HASH_ID_KEY acts as the salt during hashing of the ID. This should never be changed in production as it renders all previously generated IDs impossible to decode.

Route Model Binding

Laravel Route Model Binding feature is supported out of the box and Apiato will automatically decode the ID for you.