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Version: 12.x

Best Practices

REST API Best Practices​

REST APIs are essential for enabling web interfaces and client-server communication. When designing REST APIs, it’s crucial to ensure security, performance, and ease of use for consumers. Following standardized practices and conventions reduces maintenance burdens and improves usability for developers consuming your API.

In this guide, we'll cover best practices for designing REST APIs that are intuitive, future-proof, secure, and performant.

What Is a RESTful API?​

A RESTful API is an architectural style for web services based on stateless communication and cacheable data. REST APIs are typically accessed over HTTPS, and while they are not a formal protocol, they follow a set of conventions:

  1. Stateless Communication: Each request from a client to a server must contain all information necessary to understand and process the request.
  2. Standard HTTP Methods: REST APIs use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
  3. Cacheability: Responses from REST APIs should be cacheable to improve performance.

Use JSON for Requests and Responses​

REST APIs should accept JSON in request payloads and respond with JSON-formatted data, which is universally supported across web technologies:

  • Compatibility: JSON is widely supported across languages and frameworks.
  • Ease of Use: JavaScript can natively encode and decode JSON, while server-side languages also support JSON processing.

HTTP Methods for RESTful APIs​

Using the correct HTTP method ensures that API operations are easy to understand and consistent:

HTTP MethodPurpose
GETRetrieve a resource.
POSTCreate a new resource.
PUTUpdate a resource (full update).
PATCHUpdate a resource (partial update).
DELETERemove a resource.

These methods align with common CRUD operations, making the API more predictable for developers.

HTTP Method Guidelines​

Follow these principles to ensure logical use of HTTP methods:

  • GET: Retrieve data without altering state; it should be idempotent and cacheable.
  • POST: Use for actions that are non-idempotent or when submitting large amounts of data.
  • PUT: Use when updating an entire resource.
  • PATCH: Use when updating part of a resource.
  • DELETE: Use to remove resources; it should be idempotent.

Designing RESTful URLs​

RESTful URLs identify resources and use consistent patterns:

  1. Nouns, Not Verbs: Use nouns to represent resources (e.g., /articles instead of /getArticles).
  2. Plural Nouns: Use plural nouns for collections (e.g., /articles).
  3. No Mixed Case: Use lowercase paths with hyphens for word separation.
  4. Short Paths: Limit URI segments for readability (e.g., /articles/:id/comments).
  5. Avoid Query Parameters for State Change: Query parameters should only be used for filtering, sorting, or pagination.
  6. Versioning: Place the version number at the base of the URL (e.g., /v1/articles).

Example URL Patterns​

Get All Articles/articles
Find Article by ID/articles/:articleId
Search Articles/articles?search=author:john;color:white
Order and Sort Results/articles?orderBy=created_at&sortedBy=desc
Specify Fields/articles?filter=id;title;status
Get Comments for an Article/articles/:articleId/comments
Create New Article/articles (POST)
Add Comment to Article/articles/:articleId/comments (POST)

Nested Endpoints for Logical Grouping​

When designing endpoints, group related resources logically:

  • Use nesting to indicate hierarchical relationships (e.g., /articles/:id/comments to represent comments as a child of articles).
  • Avoid mirroring your database structure to prevent exposing internal data structures.

Error Handling and Standard HTTP Status Codes​

Return standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure, helping consumers understand the result of their requests:

Status CodeMeaning
200 OKSuccessfully returned data.
201 CreatedSuccessfully created a resource.
204 No ContentSuccessfully deleted a resource.
400 Bad RequestInvalid request (e.g., malformed JSON).
401 UnauthorizedAuthentication required.
403 ForbiddenAccess denied.
404 Not FoundResource not found.
422 Unprocessable EntityValidation or processing error.
500 Internal Server ErrorServer encountered an error.
503 Service UnavailableServer temporarily unavailable.

Handling errors gracefully and returning descriptive messages reduces confusion for API consumers.

Naming Conventions for Routes and Actions​

Use clear naming conventions to make routes and actions easily understandable:

Action PurposeRecommended Name
List ResourcesListResources
Find by IDFindResourceByID
Create ResourceCreateResource
Update ResourceUpdateResource
Delete ResourceDeleteResource

Consistent naming helps maintainers and API consumers intuitively understand route purposes.

Following these best practices will ensure your REST API is robust, secure, and user-friendly for developers. Proper API design also reduces maintenance work and enhances compatibility with client applications.