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Version: 12.x


Requests components are a way to interact with the current HTTP request being handled by your application as well as retrieve the input, cookies, and files that were submitted with the request.

To generate new requests you may use the apiato:generate:request interactive command:

php artisan apiato:generate:request

Definition & Principles

Read Porto SAP Documentation (#Requests).


  • Validation rules MUST be defined in the rules method.
  • All API Requests MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/UI/API/Requests directory.
  • All Web Requests MUST be placed in the app/Containers/{Section}/{Container}/UI/WEB/Requests directory.
  • All Requests:
    • MUST extend the App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request class.
      • The parent extension SHOULD be aliased as ParentRequest.
    • MUST have a public rules method, returning an array of validation rules.
    • MUST have a public authorize method, returning a boolean value.

Folder Structure

└── Containers
└── Section
└── Container
└── UI
├── API
│ └── Requests
│ ├── CreateUserRequest.php
│ ├── DeleteUserRequest.php
│ └── ...
└── WEB
└── Requests
├── Login.php
├── Logout.php
└── ...

Code Example

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request as ParentRequest;

class DemoRequest extends ParentRequest
protected array $access = [];
protected array $decode = [];
protected array $urlParameters = [];

public function rules(): array
return [
'field' => 'min:3|max:50',

public function authorize(): bool
return true;


In Apiato, validation of incoming requests follows the Laravel Form Request Validation approach.

Validation rules are defined within the respective Request class. These rules are automatically enforced when a Request is injected into a Controller.

Here's an example of a Request class with validation rules:

use App\Ship\Parents\Requests\Request as ParentRequest;

class RegisterUserRequest extends ParentRequest
public function rules(): array
return [
'email' => 'required|email|max:200|unique:users,email',
'password' => 'required|min:20|max:300',
'name' => ['required', 'min:2', 'max:400'],


And here's how you would use this Request class within a Controller:

public function __invoke(RegisterUserRequest $request)
$user = app(RegisterUserAction::class)->run($request);

return $this->transform($user, UserTransformer::class);

In this example, the validation rules defined in RegisterUserRequest will be automatically applied before the __invoke method is executed. If the validation fails, an appropriate error response will be generated.

Request Properties

Apiato introduces new properties to the Request Class that enhance its functionality.


The $access property allows you to define Roles and Permissions that can access a specific endpoint. It's used by the hasAccess method to check if a user has the required Roles and Permissions to use that endpoint.

class DemoRequest extends ParentRequest
protected array $access = [
'permissions' => 'delete-users',
'roles' => 'manager'

public function authorize(): bool
return $this->hasAccess();

You can also use the array notation or pipe to define multiple Roles and Permissions.

class DemoRequest extends ParentRequest
protected $access = [
'permissions' => ['delete-users', 'another-permissions'],
'roles' => 'manager|admin',

// ...

If there's no need to set any roles or permissions, you can simply set the $permissions or $roles property to an empty string '', an empty array [], or null.


The $decode property is used to handle the decoding of Hashed IDs from the incoming Request.

When you enable the Hash ID feature, your application can receive Hashed IDs from users. These Hashed IDs need to be decoded before they can be effectively validated. Apiato facilitates this process by providing a property in its Requests class where you can specify which Hashed IDs need to be decoded. This ensures that the validation procedure seamlessly integrates with Hashed IDs.

class DemoRequest extends ParentRequest
protected array $decode = [

// ...

Keep in mind that validation rules relying on your ID, such as exists:users,id, will not function correctly unless you decode the ID before passing it to the validation process.


The $urlParameters property simplifies the process of applying validation rules to URL parameters.

By default, Laravel doesn't provide validation for URL parameters (/stores/999/items). However, by using the $urlParameters property, you can enable validation for these parameters. By specifying the desired URL parameters within this property, you not only enable validation but also gain direct access to these parameters from the Request object.

// URL: /stores/{id}/items
// GET /stores/999/items
class DemoRequest extends ParentRequest
protected array $urlParameters = [

public function rules(): array
return [
'id' => 'integer', // url parameter

Helper Methods


The hasAccess method assesses a user's access rights based on the Request's $access property. If the user has any of the specified Roles or Permissions, the method will return true otherwise it will return false.


The sanitizeInput method is employed to cleanse request data before its utilization within the application.

Particularly useful for PATCH requests, where you may want to submit only the fields intended for modification to minimize traffic or perform partial updates to the corresponding database resource. Traditional checks for the presence or absence of specific keys in the request can lead to extensive if blocks, such as:

if ($request->has('')) {
$data['name'] = $request->input('');

To circumvent these if blocks, you might utilize array_filter($data) to remove empty fields from the request. However, be aware that in PHP, both false and an empty string '' are considered as empty.

For streamlining data sanitization when using application/json instead of x-www-form-urlencoded, Apiato provides the convenient sanitizeInput method.

Consider the following request:

"data": {
"name": "Demo",
"description": "Some description",
"is_private": false,
"address": "",
"foo": {
"number": 1,
"bar": "bar"
"meta": "some meta data"

The sanitizeInput method enables you to specify a list of fields, employing dot notation, to be accessed and extracted from the request.

$data = $request->sanitizeInput([
'email', // will be ignored

The extracted data will appear as follows:

"data" => [
"description" => "Some description"
"is_private" => false,
"address" => null, // empty string is converted to null by Laravel
"foo" => [
"number" => 1,
"meta" => "some meta data",

Note that email is excluded from the sanitized array, as it was absent in the request. Additionally, any other fields not specified are omitted. In essence, the method filters the request, retaining only the defined values.

You can also assign default values during the data sanitization process:

$sanitizedData = $request->sanitizeInput([
'name' => 'John', // If name is not provided, the default value will be set
'' => 'Somewhere in the world', // dot notation is supported


The getInputByKey method retrieves data from the request by specifying the field name. Similar to $request->input(''), this method operates on the decoded values instead of the original data.

Consider the following request:

"id": "XbPW7awNkzl83LD6"

While $request->input('id') would return "XbPW7awNkzl83LD6", $request->getInputByKey('id') would return the decoded value (e.g., 4).

Moreover, you can set a default value to be returned if the key is absent or unset, like this:

$request->getInputByKey('', 'Undefined')


In certain cases, you might need to remap input from the request to different fields. While manual field mapping is possible, you can also leverage the mapInput method for this purpose. This helper method allows you to "redefine" keys within the request, making subsequent processing easier.

Consider the following request:

"data": {
"name": "John Doe"

However, for processing purposes, you require the username field instead of

You can use the helper as follows:

'' => 'username',

The resulting structure would be:

"username": "John Doe"

And you can access the value as follows:



The injectData method allows you to inject data into the request. This can be particularly helpful during testing when you wish to provide data directly to the request instead of sending it through the request body.

$request = RegisterUserRequest::injectData($data);


The withUrlParameters method enables you to inject URL parameters into the request. This is especially useful when you need to include properties in the request that are not part of the request body but are required for the request to be processed. This method is often used in conjunction with the injectData method.

$request = RegisterUserRequest::injectData($data)
->withUrlParameters(['id' => 123]);

Bypassing Authorization

To grant certain Roles access to all endpoints within the system without the need to define the role in each Request object, you can follow this approach. This is particularly beneficial when you want to provide unrestricted access to users with the admin role. To implement this, define the relevant roles in app/Ship/Configs/apiato.php as shown below:

'requests' => [
'allow-roles-to-access-all-routes' => ['admin'],

Force Accept Header

Typically, when making calls to a JSON API, you should include the accept: application/json HTTP header. In Apiato, you have the option to either enforce users to send this header or allow them to skip it.

To enforce the accept: application/json header, navigate to the app/Ship/Configs/apiato.php configuration file and set the force-accept-header to true.

Conversely, if you wish to allow users to skip this header, set force-accept-header to false.


Forcing the accept header is disabled by default.


The ETag or entity tag is part of HTTP, the protocol for the World Wide Web. It is one of several mechanisms that HTTP provides for Web cache validation, which allows a client to make conditional requests. This mechanism allows caches to be more efficient and saves bandwidth, as a Web server does not need to send a full response if the content has not changed. (Wikipedia)

Apiato offers support for Etag through the Apiato\Core\Middlewares\HttpProcessETagHeadersMiddleware middleware, which employs the Shallow technique. This middleware can be particularly valuable in reducing bandwidth usage for clients, especially on mobile devices.

Please note that this feature is disabled by default. To enable it, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the app/Ship/Configs/apiato.php configuration file.
  2. Inside the configuration file, locate the use-etag configuration parameter.
  3. Set the use-etag parameter to true.

Keep in mind that for this feature to function correctly, the client must include the If-None-Match HTTP header, which corresponds to the ETag value, in their request.