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Version: 9.x


A) Apiato Application Installation

Apiato can be installed automatically with Composer (recommended) or manually (with Git or direct download):

1) Project Setup

1.A) Automatically via Composer

  1. Clone the repo, install dependencies and setup the project:

Option 1: Latest stable:

composer create-project apiato/apiato my-api

Option 2: On going development branch "dev master" (unstable): This gives you features from the upcoming releases. But you need to keep syncing your project with the upstream master branch and running composer install when changes occurs.

composer create-project apiato/apiato my-api dev-master
  1. Edit your .env variables to match with your environment (Set Database credentials, App URL, ...).

  2. Continue from 2) Database Setup below.

1.B) Manually

You can download the Code directly from the repository as .ZIP file or clone the repository using Git (recommended):

  1. Clone the repository using Git:
git clone

If using Laradock, you can run all the commands below from the workspace Container.
First you need to run the required tools by running docker-compose up -d nginx mysql php-fpm workspace redis from the Laradock folder (of course you can add any other tools you need).
Then enter the workspace Container by running docker-compose exec workspace bash.
For more details see the section Using Docker (with Laradock) below.

  1. Install all dependency packages (including Containers dependencies):
composer install
  1. Create .env file and copy the content of .env.example inside it.
cp .env.example .env

Check all the variables and edit whatever you want.

  1. Generate a random key APP_KEY
php artisan key:generate
  1. delete the .git folder from the root directory and initialize your own with git init.

2) Database Setup

  1. Migrate the Database:

Run the migration artisan command:

php artisan migrate
  1. Seed the database with the artisan command:
php artisan db:seed
  1. Optional. By default. Apiato seeds a "Super User", given the default admin role (the role has no Permissions set to it).

To give the admin role, access to all the seeded permissions in the system, run the following command, at any time.

php artisan apiato:permissions:toRole admin

3) OAuth 2.0 Setup

  1. Create encryption keys to generate secure access tokens and create "personal access" and "password grant" clients which will be used to generate access tokens:
php artisan passport:install

4) Documentation Setup

If you are planning to use ApiDoc JS then proceed with this setup, else skip this and use whatever you prefer:

  1. Install ApiDocJs using NPM or your favorite dependencies manager:
npm install

Or install it alone by just running npm install apidoc on the root of the project, after checking the package.json file on the root.

  1. Run php artisan apiato:apidoc

Behind the scene apiato:apidoc is executing a command like this

apidoc -c app/Containers/Documentation/ApiDocJs/public -f public.php -i app -o public/api/documentation

Alternatively you can generate a swagger doc from the apidoc comments, to do so run php artisan apiato:swagger.

Visit API Docs Generator for more details.

5) Testing Setup

  1. Open phpunit.xml and make sure the environments are correct for your domain.

  2. run the tests


B) Development Environment Setup

You can run Apiato on your favorite environment. Below you'll see how you can run it on top of Vagrant (using Laravel Homestead) or Docker (using Laradock).

We'll see how to use both tools and you can pick one, or you can use other options like Laravel Valet, Laragon or even run it directly on your machine.

Heads up!
The ICANN has now officially approved .dev as a generic top level domain (gTLD). Therefore, it is not recommended to use .dev domains anymore in your local development setup! Our docs have been changed to use .test instead of .dev, however, you may change it to .example, or .localhost or whatever suits your needs. Read more.

A.1) Using Docker (with Laradock)

Laradock is a Docker PHP development environment. It facilitates running PHP Apps on Docker.

  1. Install Laradock.

  2. Navigate into the laradock directory:

cd laradock

This directory contains a docker-compose.yml file. (From the LaraDock project).

2.1) If you haven't done so, rename env-example to .env.

cp env-example .env
  1. Run the Docker containers:
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql redis beanstalkd
  1. Make sure you are setting the Docker IP as Host for the DB and Redis in your .env file.

  2. Add the domain to the Hosts file:

5.1) Open the hosts file on your local machine /etc/hosts.

We'll be using apiato.test as local domain (you can change it if you want).

5.2) Map the domain and its subdomains to  apiato.test api.apiato.test admin.apiato.test

If you're using NGINX or Apache, make sure the server_name (in case of NGINX) or ServerName (in case of Apache) in your server config file, is set to the following apiato.test api.apiato.test admin.apiato.test. (Also don't forget to point the Root or DocumentRoot to the public directory inside apiato apiato/public).

A.2) Using Vagrant (with Laravel Homestead)

  1. Configure Homestead:

1.1) Open the Homestead config file:

homestead edit

1.2) Map the api.apiato.test domain to the project public directory - Example:

- map: api.apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/apiato/public

1.3) You can also map other domains like apiato.test and admin.apiato.test to other web apps:

	- map: apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/clients/web/user
- map: admin.apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/clients/web/admin

Note: in the example above the /{full-path-to}/clients/web/*** are separate apps, who live on their own repositories and in different folder then the Apiato one. If your Admins, Users or other type of Apps are within Apiato, then you must point them all to the Apiato project folder /{full-path-to}/apiato/public. So in that case you would have something like this:

    - map: api.apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/apiato/public
- map: apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/apiato/public
- map: admin.apiato.test
to: /{full-path-to}/apiato/public
  1. Add the domain to the Hosts file:

2.1) Open the hosts file on your local machine /etc/hosts.

We'll be using apiato.test as local domain (you can change it if you want).

2.2) Map the domain and its subdomains to the Vagrant IP Address:   apiato.test api.apiato.test admin.apiato.test

If you're using NGINX or Apache, make sure the server_name (in case of NGINX) or ServerName (in case of Apache) in your server config file, is set to the following apiato.test api.apiato.test admin.apiato.test. (Also don't forget to set your root or DocumentRoot to the public directory inside apiato apiato/public).

2.3) Run the Virtual Machine:

homestead up --provision

If you see No input file specified on the sub-domains! try running this command homestead halt && homestead up --provision.

A.3) Using anything else

If you're not into virtualization solutions, you can set up your environment directly on your machine. Check the software's requirements list.

C) Let's Play

Now let's see it in action

1.a. Open your web browser and visit:

  • http://apiato.test You should see an HTML page, with Apiato in the middle.
  • http://admin.apiato.test You should see an HTML Login page.

1.b. Open your HTTP client and call:

  • http://api.apiato.test/ You should see a JSON response with message: "Welcome to apiato.",
  • http://api.apiato.test/v1 You should see a JSON response with message: "Welcome to apiato (API V1).",
  1. Make some HTTP calls to the API:

To make the calls you can use Postman, HTTPIE or any other tool you prefer.

Let's test the (user registration) endpoint http://api.apiato.test/v1/register with cURL:

curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -F "[email protected]" -F "password=so-secret" -F "name=Mahmoud Zalt" "http://api.apiato.test/v1/register"

You should get response like this:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin → ...
Cache-Control → ...
Connection → keep-alive
Content-Language → en
Content-Type → application/json
Date → Wed, 11 Apr 2000 22:55:88 GMT
Server → nginx
Transfer-Encoding → chunked
Vary → Origin
X-Powered-By → PHP/7.7.7
X-RateLimit-Limit → 30
X-RateLimit-Remaining → 29

"data": {
"object": "User",
"id": 77,
"name": "Mahmoud Zalt",
"email": "[email protected]",
"confirmed": null,
"nickname": "Mega",
"gender": "male",
"birth": null,
"social_auth_provider": null,
"social_id": null,
"social_avatar": {
"avatar": null,
"original": null
"created_at": {
"date": "2017-04-05 16:17:26.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"updated_at": {
"date": "2017-04-05 16:17:26.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"roles": {
"data": []