Optional Components
Optional Components offer additional functionality that can be incorporated into the Container. Their usage is discretionary, depending on specific requirements.
Most of these components are just Laravel components, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel components. However, they come with additional rules and conventions specific to Apiato.
To learn more about Apiato components, check the Components section.
📄️ Commands
Apiato commands are just Laravel Commands,
📄️ Configs
Apiato configs are just Laravel configs, and they function in the exact same way as Laravel configs.
📄️ Events
Apiato events are just Laravel Events,
📄️ Factories
Apiato factories are just Laravel Factories,
📄️ Helpers
You have the option to create your own global "helper" PHP functions in designated directories, and Apiato will automatically autoload them for you.
📄️ Jobs
Apiato jobs are just Laravel Jobs,
Apiato mails are just Laravel Mails,
📄️ Middlewares
Apiato middlewares are just Laravel Middlewares,
📄️ Migrations
Apiato migrations are just Laravel Migrations,
📄️ Notifications
Apiato notifications are just Laravel Notifications,
📄️ Policies
Apiato policies are just Laravel Policies,
🗃️ Repository
2 items
📄️ Seeders
Apiato seeders are just Laravel Seeders,
📄️ Service Providers
Apiato service providers are just Laravel Service Providers,
📄️ Tests
Apiato is built with testing in mind.
📄️ Values
Value Objects are short names for known "Value Objects",