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Version: 11.x



Configs are files that contain configurations.

In each Apiato container, there are two types of config files:

  • the container specific config file (a config file that contains the container specific configurations).
  • the container third party packages config files (a config file that belongs to a third party package, required by the composer file of the container).


  • Your custom config files and third party packages config files, should be placed in the Container, unless it's too generic then it can be placed on the Ship Layer.
  • Containers can have as many config files as they need.


  • When publishing a third party package config file, move it manually to its container or to the Ship Configs folder in case it is generic.
  • Framework config files (provided by Laravel) lives at the default config directory on the root of the project.
  • You SHOULD NOT add any config file to the root config directory.
  • The container specific config file, MUST be named this way:
    camelCase of its Section name + - + camelCase of its Container name, to prevent conflicts between third party packages and container specific packages.
    For example, config file inside MySection > MyContainer should be named like this: mySection-myContainer.php

Folder Structure

- app
- Containers
- {container-name}
- Configs
- {section-name}-{container-name}.php
- package-config-file1.php
- ...
- Ship
- Configs
- apiato.php
- ...
- config
- app.php
- ...

Code Samples

Example simple Config file

// app/Containers/{SectionName}/{ContainerName}/Configs/{section-name}-{container-name}.php
return [

| Default Namespace
'namespace' => 'App',

// some other config params here...

You can access the respective configuration key like this:

$value = Config::get('{section-name}-{container-name}.namespace');     // returns 'App'
$value = config('{section-name}-{container-name}.namespace'); // same, but using laravel helper function
Further reading

More info at Laravel Docs.