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Version: 10.x


Apiato provides a simple and easy way to monitor and log all the HTTP requests coming to your application.

The request monitor can be very useful when testing and debugging your frontend Apps which consume your API. Especially when the frontend apps (Mobile, Web,...) are built by other developers who are far from you.

The requests monitoring is provided via theRequestsMonitorMiddleware middleware.


composer require apiato/debugger-container

This container is installed by default with an Apiato fresh installation.

Enable Requests Logging

Set REQUESTS_DEBUG and APP_DEBUG to true in .env file .


Log will be written to storage/logs/debugger.log

Debugger Customization


This container works out of the box perfectly but if you want to change its configs or modify the codes you MUST follow these steps:

1- Copy the container from Vendor to AppSection (or any of your custom sections) of your project
2- Fix the namespaces
3- Remove apiato/debugger-container dependency from project root composer.json

Change the Default Log File

By default, everything is logged in the debugger.log file, to change the default file go to Debugger/Configs/debugger.php config file and set the file name:


| Log File
| What to name the log file in the `storage/log` path.

'log_file' => 'debugger.log',

Run in Testing Environments

Request monitoring will not run in testing environments, to enable it you need to manually edit the Middleware.